Sunday, March 15, 2009

Long distance LOVE

im back... im back... just because i feel like i want to write... i wanna say something. something that u can't really share verbally...

Long distance relationship, HAVE u ever?
How would you explain to your friends, when they don’t really seems to ‘get it’ that you’re in a relationship and not single???Long distance love can provide plenty and thousand of dilemmas. It is not something any women on this earth plans n looking for, and no matter how much you gloss over the obstacles, they’re extremely hard to ignore.

You met a fantastic guy, and you are all over in love for barely in weeks(and that we called LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT)… and later it’s time to leave and you’re both in flood of tears. You cling to each other and vow to be faithful and hook up over the phone, email, and in flesh as often as you can. As you wave goodbye, you feel heartbroken because you’re parting but convinced you can make this relationship work despite the MILESsssss between you.

Are all these sounds familiar? Hmm… it’s like a scene cut from the drama and it’s terribly romantic… BUT cut to 3 months down the road, will u still be madly in love? Or will u be worried that he’s seeing other women because you’re feeling so lonely?

There’s a HUGE problem of forking out the sky high travel fees for planes just so you can be together. When you’re not together, if you get held up and can’t call when you promised, it becomes a BIG deal- like you’re missing a date with him. In fact, you feel like you spend half your life on the phone, email, and sharing everything from your intermost thought to the detail of your routine. Finally there’s the whole thorny issue of how things will play out in the end. CLEARLY, if you want a life together you can’t keep loving from afar- but which one of u is going to uproot their lives and move to be with other?

Dilemma… Though this concern sound so daunting, being in Long distance love often believe that love will conquer all and then ignores the minuses that can indirectly gives a big impact to the relationship. Look it from another way, long distance love might also add another whole new dimension to communication and quality time together. When you’re going out to see someone you rarely see face to face, there’s a high voltage passion and desire each time you get together, u get to enjoy the first flush of love over and over.

Meanwhile, if you’re constantly communicating by email and phone or text, you tend to have long, deep and meaningful conversations that encourage you to get to know each other on a way more mature and profound level.It is always a headache and frustrating when you found the right guy and he’s in the wrong city, wrong country .

Well the ground rules is, it certainly doesn’t work if you’re counting down the days till u see him while he’s counting the number of single girls he can date while you’re apart. It should be something like being faithful, how often you will stay in touch and how often you will make effort to see each other. Bringing up this question upfront so you’re clear on where you stand and it will help you a lot from heartache and hassle down the track.

When u got the chance to see him, please ensure not to cram the whole relationship into one week or so. Make sure that you have a friend to be with tp pick up the pieces when he leaves ( mine was kBin), cause you will fall to the deepest heap as you adjust to live the life without him again. This distance love can be a bit an emotional rollercoaster with a sudden highs followed by a big low.

So don’t make the mistake of spending your whole weekend sitting in your room and being miserable. That’s horrible! Hook up with girlfriends so u will be away from missing your long distance boyfriend.

When you come to a point that you both are really committed, who is going to uproot their life and sacrifice for their partner? Another horrible n scary nightmare.. Ultimately, one has to make the sacrifice in ordre for your relationship to survive and prosper!

if it is you that have to make the move, make sure you’re doing the right decision! don’t ever uproot your life if you’re doing it because you fear that he’s starting to fall out of love with you. It would be a disaster to leave a great job and you friends and family. All this time, you’ve been together you’ve only seen each other in short burst when you’ve both been on your best bahaviour. Have to really think wise and deep, if you later find out that u cant find a job after you move, you will slowly end up resenting him for slowing down your career.

But if you decide to move and go ahead, be ready for the mix feeling. Although you’re doing something exciting for you n your guy, your heart, social life and bank balance are going to suffer!

For those who are in distance love, this can be torturing at times but if u survive the separation, you’ve passed one of the toughest love tests.


EyeV said...

Hey, u back... Yes, I agreed :) Dont regret/complain when you have make a decision.

easeDpain of life traveller said...


Used to be so easy... but not anymore

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A young lad inspired & standing firm by the idea of accountability & responsibility, tolerancy,sentimental and sometimes sensitive, eager to AIM further,charitable & altruistic not wt cash but wt my 2hands given gy GOD.