Friday, August 22, 2008


im driving back home... on a road that is empty. strange... this road use to be busy, as it is the main road that connecting KL . As i drove on this empty road, i can hear the puff of air as my car swift. I feel the tranquility, the sky was so bright and blue.

i reached home, and put my bag aside. I called dear Isabelle...


Anonymous said...

nex time bring issabelle to us... i wanna cubit her!!! so cute... son goku versi perempuan. eeekek

Saraton Kawar said...

Issabelle? hahaha owh lalong! owh lalong!

Used to be so easy... but not anymore

My photo
A young lad inspired & standing firm by the idea of accountability & responsibility, tolerancy,sentimental and sometimes sensitive, eager to AIM further,charitable & altruistic not wt cash but wt my 2hands given gy GOD.